If I order online from The Word Among Us, is my credit card information protected?
- Yes, your credit card is secure when ordering from The Word Among Us online.
- Our web server takes all the steps necessary to protect your personal information, including your credit card number, from being intercepted during transmission. To process credit card transactions, The Word Among Us uses the most respected name in credit card processing services—Authorize.net. This service offers the most secure credit card processing currently available.
- We store the information we gather from this Web site on secure computers located in a locked data center. The number of employees involved in the management of the data center that have physical access to these computers is limited to only a few. We use firewalls and security technology to prevent our computers from being accessed by unauthorized persons.
- The Word Among Us meets or exceeds the standards set forth by the Payment Card Industry and has been certified PCI compliant.
If you prefer not to place your order online, you can always place your order by phone.